For Corporations
Corporate Analysis and Finance
Client-specific training events in terms of content and form
Extensive international experience enables the imparting of global best practice in financial company analysis
Target group: employees in the departments
Accounts Receivable Management
Content focus
Annual financial statement analysis
Finance (re-) structuring
Structuring in turnaround and restructuring phases
Company valuation in the context of acquisitions / divestments
Development and application of the program content based on case studies
Financial Client Risk Analysis
Target group
Companies that sell with a payment term and thus take on a risk of receivables
Content focus
Structured, time-efficient process of financial year-end analysis
Determination of appropriate exposure limits and payment terms
Corporate Finance
Principles of good, sustainably stable corporate financing & balance sheet structuring as well as solid credit structuring
Assessment of the structure and sufficiency of existing finances
Optimization of the horizontal and vertical financing structure
Preparation of negotiations with external and equity investors
Corporate Valuation
Marketable valuation methods
Book value, liquidation value, replacement value, market value multipliers, DCF valuation, MVA valuation
Critical comparisons of evaluation methods
Recoverability of assets / liquidity risks liabilities, book value vs. fair value
Assessment of intangible assets (e.g. goodwill)
From evaluation to structuring (and vice versa)
Company valuation in practice